Then the factory system destroyed the cottage industries and removed work from people's homes. 那时工厂系统摧毁了作坊手工业并使人们工作走出家庭。
This restores the original factory system defaults. 这就恢复了原始出厂系统默认值。
The Application of VENLO Greenhouse in the Fish Factory System 文洛型温室在工厂化养鱼系统的应用
Code for design of factory power system in petrochemical enterprise 石油化工企业工厂电力系统设计规范
Invoicing factory system, including rights management, requisitioning, procurement, warehousing, as well as material from modules. 工厂进销存系统,包括权限管理,请购,采购,入库,以及领料模块。
The impact to Chinese export by the factory inspection system conducted by foreign importers 国外进口商验厂制度对我国出口的影响及对策探讨
Modern factory system appeared originally in Europe, which was imported into China after the Opium Wars. 近代工厂制度率先在欧洲出现,并于鸦片战争后传入中国。
A factory system in which an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it. 一种工厂系统,一个物体被传送到各个点然后一系列的工作将在上面进行。
Conduct factory quality system audit in period, and finish audit report, release to management. 周期性地针对供应商进行质量体系的审核,并完成报告,再分发给公司的管理层。
Effective transport is an essential factor in the factory system, if it is to function as an economical operation. 如果说生产系统要经济有效地运作的话,那么高效运输是必不可少的环节。
This factory production system stick machine can be used first dual-purpose: raw material can be made great carbonized, also can after first made great after carbonization. 本厂生产的制棒机可一机两用:原料可先制棒后炭化,也可先炭化后制棒。
I cannot believe that our factory system is the best mode by which men may get clothing. 我不相信我们的工厂制度是使人们得到衣服穿的最好的办法。
The factory system for processing; sterile storage; refrigeration, fast vehicles and paved roads; and pasteurization and the enforcement of food-safety laws. 加工的制造厂系统;无菌储存;冷冻,快速交通工具和铺设公路;以及使用巴氏杀菌法,实施食物安全法。
After years of efforts, we have a comprehensive factory management system and production flow. 经过多年的努力,我们拥有完善的工厂管理体系和生产流程。
In the phase of the industrial revolution, factory system licked up working-class soul, and gradually pushed them into gulf of poverty and ignorance. 工业革命时期,工厂制度吞噬了劳工的灵魂,逐渐把他们推向贫困和无知的深渊。
Globalized Factory System and the Issue of "Ethical Reconstruction" The Commentary on Legal Status and Practice of Multinational Company's Codes of Conduct in China 全球化工厂体制与“道德理念重构”&跨国公司生产守则与中国劳动关系跨国公司生产守则在我国的法律地位及实践情况评述
What kind of impact will the establishment of globalized factory system have on China's labour relations and labour rights? 全球化工厂体制的确立又将对中国的劳动关系和劳动权利产生怎样的影响?
Heighten the management of supply, by the emphasized industry policy and modern factory system improve the struction and efficiency of supply. 强化供给管理,通过产业倾斜政策和现代企业制度的建立优化产业结构与提高供给效率。
The paper expounds that the great impact of digital factory system on manufacturing, and researches the digital factory software in other countries. 文章阐明了数字化工厂系统对制造业的巨大作用,研究国外数字化工厂软件在汽车等制造业领域的应用。
In general, the putting out system effectively safeguarded the assets of the merchants involved in production and was the ideal choice for investors and producers, even if it could not reduce supervision costs as effectively as the factory system. 放料制对投入生产事业的商人财产较有保障,即使不能使用工厂制来降低监督方面的执行成本,但仍是当时投资生产者较为划算的选择。
Finally, it states the essentiality of technics programming subsystem for the digital factory system. 最后,论述了工艺规划子系统对整个数字化工厂软件完善的重要性。
Design and key techniques research of digital factory software system 数字化工厂软件系统的设计与关键技术研究
The Design of Detecting and Controlling Water Factory System 水厂监测控制系统设计
Inside classical forms of firms, such as factory system based on simple coordination, coordinated division of labor and machinery system, specialized knowledge will emerge in the production process. 基于简单协作、分工协作以及机器体系的工厂制度等古典企业组织形式内部,在生产过程中会产生专业化知识。
The prevalent mode of production in Suzhous cotton cloth processing industry during the early Qing dynasty was a putting out rather than a factory system. 清代前期苏州棉布加工业中盛行“放料制生产”,而不能被“工厂制生产”取代。
British labourers 'living status comparison under the family-workshop system and factory system 英国家庭作坊和工厂制度下劳工生活状况比较
Process data are openly and transparently transferred to sintering factory information system. 实践表明提高了系统的可靠性和可互唤性,过程数据可开放、透明地传至企业信息系统。
It is not the natural evolution of a enterprise system but the reestablishment of enterprise system on the abolishing of traditional factory system. 它不是一种企业制度的自然演进过程,而是在摧毁传统体制下工厂制基础上的新型企业制度的重建;
This is the second period in the evolution of enterprises. Modern enterprises were the enterprises transiting from centralized workshops to factory system. 本文将企业发展演变的第二阶段称为近代企业,指从集中的手工工场到建立工厂制度这一过渡阶段的企业形态。
Industrialization factory system formed due to the backward productive forces, coupled with the planned target pressure brought workers working system is a strict limit on the machine. 工业化道路形成的工厂体制,由于生产力的落后,加上计划目标所带来的压力,工人被一种严格的工作制度限制在机器之上。